segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

Are you ready for the most unforgetable travel of your live? is company of guides that show you Thailand as never seen before.
They are realy good and low cost.
Thailandtravelgroups offers you the possibility to discover the best of Thailand .
The next organized tour is fro 15th Februar til 28th. Please visit and mark your place in an incredible journey before it is full

sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012

Things to take on backpack when travelling

When you are traveling you don´t need to take big bags and things. If you travel only with a medium backpack you will feel very free and not so preocupied with your bagage as if you travel full of bags and weight. I have seen many travelers traveling with big backpacks, bags and trolleys and they had always a problem when they had to move. Please keep it simple and light for the good of your trip.

  1. Backpack or Shoulder Bag:  small, simple and light but resistant.  
  2. Money Belt: It provides security from theft, and this is where your most important items go:  Passport, ATM/Credit Cards, Cash/Traveler's Checks, Tickets, etc.
  3. Clothes: you don´t need to take many clothes. You can washe them or buy cheap clothes depending on where you are.
  4.  Personal Items: hygiene products, camera, book, pocket knife, mp3, guide book, mosquito repellent, small flashlight,  etc
If you like to walk around and go to distant countries a backpack is the best to take. It´s safer, and you can havea good mobility to walk, visit or travel to other places. I think the backpack is very important if you go travel for some months.

segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

Welcome to my blog..
It´s all about great places that you must visit before you die.

I´m a "pure blood" traveler, a lover of nature, sea and adventure sports like , surfing, spearfishing and hiking.
I´ve been in the 5 continents discovering secret places, people and spirituals.

Since I was young I have the travels in my mind. That feeling of adventure and passion is unique when you travel with non-comercial programs.

The best way to travel is with a backpack on your back and with a great spirit on your mind.
If you have a daily and stressful routine the travels are the best to replace your mind with positive vibration and peace. Nowadays living in the city causes people to have robotnic lifes and traveling is the best way to clean your head of bad toughts.

This blog is an informal guide to some of best the places to travel with good tips, sights and escape palces to relax or to have fun or some adventure.

Like me there are many travelers around the world and they know: When you return from a trip always come diferent.
Traveling opens your mind, heart and senses.

"TRAVEL, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience."

                                                                                                                                          Francis Bacon